


Working EQ: "How can a goalkeeper best avoid having goals scored against her during a soccer game?"

Monday, March 3, 2014

Additional Post 7: Understanding Weaknesses

A few weeks ago, I was given the opportunity to sit in on a one-on-one training evaluation done by Jeff Tackett, the goalkeeping coach I mentored under over the Summer.

The process goes like this:

Tackett attends a few games of each of his players and rates their tactical play (the in game "tactics" that are needed to produce a winning team).  During training sessions he takes note of their technical skills (the depth and spread of the "technique" used during each drill).

He basically grades each of the players on a 10 point scale in about 45 different sub groups falling under Tactical, Technical, and Personality.  He expects his younger keepers to be in the 7 range and his older keepers in the 9 range.  He requires a high level of intensity and skill, and at the very least, a high level of improvement.  Without either one of those things, his coaching career would be over.

After he's scored them, he sits with the athlete and her parents and goes over each and every skill.  He goes over problem areas, areas of great improvement, and explains things the keepers may not understand.  Tackett opens the floor for questions after each explanation so the keepers get the most out of their session.  Few coaches do this, and that's part of what sets him apart.

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