


Working EQ: "How can a goalkeeper best avoid having goals scored against her during a soccer game?"

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Independent Component 1 Approval


1. I plan on playing games and attending practices with my club team, Legacy.

2. To obtain the required number of hours for this component I plan on attending every practice, twice a week, and every game.  We practice for upwards of 3 hours per week and including the training before the game starts, hours for games can range from 2 to 4 hours per game.

3. Coaching goalkeepers is one thing, but training as a keepers is something else.  I am constantly learning new things during practices and overcoming new situations during games.  Researching the game as a player is just as valuable as the reading material I've gone through.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry I never commented on this, Sarah. When I saw it, I remembered it! This sounds like a smart use of your time. How old were you when your profile pic was taken? You look 11! It's so cute!
